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Is bitoasis a trusted crypto exchange?

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. BitOasis, a Middle East-focused crypto exchange based in the United Arab Emirates, has received provisional approval from Dubai's new crypto regulator, as the UAE pushes to become a centre for the virtual asset sector.

What is bitoasis and how does it work in UAE?

BitOasis is one of those local crypto exchanges, which let you trade crypto in AED. There are other exchanges like Binance, which has got a crypto license in UAE, and it would be interesting to see where does BitOasis will stand in the days to come.

Is bitoasis ready to become a centre for cryptocurrencies?

REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration Purchase Licensing Rights DUBAI, March 30 (Reuters) - BitOasis, a Middle East-focused crypto exchange based in the United Arab Emirates, has received provisional approval from Dubai's new crypto regulator, as the UAE pushes to become a centre for the virtual asset sector.

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